Dr. med. vet. Leslie Wohlgroth

is our specialist for everything to do with cats. A particular focus is on "internal medicine", ophthalmology, dermatology, allergies, geriatrics and dentistry. She also performs simple operations and all other cat-related work. She is actually from the city of Zurich, but feels very much at home on the left bank of the lake. She completed her years of training and traveling in various small animal practices and clinics in central and eastern Switzerland. From 2009 to 2022, she was co-owner and employee of the small animal practice am Obersee in Altendorf SZ. In 2022, she fulfilled her dream of studying and is now focusing entirely on cats.

Of course, pets also belong to a real veterinarian: two spoiled fluffy Sacred Birma cats named Caillou and ZsaZsa makes the apartment a home. The two Sicilian dogs Enzo and Fiona (Cirneco dell'Etna) are in charge of the bookkeeping and sporting activities. The small private zoo is completed by 4 sunbathers and professionals of relaxation - Moorish tortoises.

The cat doctor is also an avid mountaineer, mountain biker and photographer - she can be found outdoors a lot outside of business hours.

med. vet. Ph.D. FVH Leila Huston

med. vet. Ph.D. FVH Leila Huston

Veterinarian Leila Huston has been supporting us on Saturdays since summer 2024 and may be working additional days from 2025.
Ms. Huston first studied biology at ETH Zurich, then, like Ms. Wohlgroth, studied veterinary medicine at the Tierspital Zurich and completed her Ph.D. at the University of Oxford (for your information: a Ph.D. corresponds to a double doctorate, so to speak). From 2016 to 2019, she successfully completed her training for the FVH specialist title at Bessy's Small Animal Clinic and then gained experience at various practices.
Her special interests are endocrinology, infectious diseases, immune-mediated diseases and oncology.
As at work, Ms. Huston is also active in her free time and does a lot of sport (scarf acrobatics, yoga, swimming, skiing, hiking) or is interested in art and culture. On quiet days, she enjoys spending time with her family and her elegant Egyptian Mau cat.

Tanisha Bertenghi, TPA

Tanisha Bertenghi, TPA

and Ms. Wohlgroth have been working together for several years and enjoy good teamwork. She completed her 3-year apprenticeship as a veterinary practice assistant at the small animal practice at Obersee. She remained an employee there until she moved to the cat practice. Her excellent handling of animals helps to calm anxious patients and is an expression of her close connection to the animal world. She stands out with her gentle and friendly manner, always handling the animals gently but confidently.

She is often the first point of contact on the phone and at reception and knows how to advise customers with experience and empathy.

In her free time, she can be found with her dog Jolie, training or walking, and without her dog at a game of FCZurich.

Shayenne Wehrli, TPA TDA (Veterinary Dental Assistant)

Shayenne Wehrli, TPA TDA (Veterinary Dental Assistant)

Since the beginning of April 2024, Shayenne Wehrli has been working with us, initially at 20% and now up to 100%, and actively supports us with all the work of a TPA and in particular with dental restorations and dental hygiene with her knowledge and skills, for example with perfect dental X-rays.
She completed this demanding 2-3 year additional training in 2022 to become a TDA with a diploma and because she is so hungry for knowledge, she is now also starting her training as a veterinary anesthesia technician. Ms. Wehrli is a cheerful and open personality with a lot of enthusiasm for the profession and just as much love for the sensitive patients.
In her private life, she is out and about with her dog Kim in all versions of pulling dog sports, rides a lot and spoils her pet cat Motshu at home.

Eva Linda Usai - apprentice, veterinary practice assistant in training

Eva Linda Usai - apprentice, veterinary practice assistant in training

We are delighted to introduce our apprentice Eva Usai. She is the first apprentice in Switzerland to receive training in a cat practice. In order to complete her training as a TPA (with a successful LAP!), she can also enjoy training in the partner practices.
Eva lives in Hirzel and completed her schooling in Horgen.
Animals have been an important part of her life since childhood, initially gerbils and now a dog - plus four ponies with whom she does ground work, hiking, free work and gymnastics. She enjoys contact with cats in the pony stable and the cats living with her grandparents on Sardinia.

Dr. med. vet. Saskia Quante

Vets on call:

Dr. med. vet. Saskia Quante, Diplomate of ACVIM

Dr. Quante is a mobile specialist in small animal medicine and is available on call. She completed her training in internal medicine at the Vetsuisse Faculty in Zurich. She then worked for 13 years in Hong Kong and Singapore at various referral clinics and has been back in Switzerland since 2020. 

Dr. Quante helps us on site in the diagnosis and management of complicated medical cases and advanced diagnostics such as ultrasound. Her area of expertise includes diseases of the internal organs such as gastrointestinal, hormonal, infectious, metabolic, pulmonary and blood diseases.

But the most important thing is that Dr. Quante is also a cat enthusiast and a big fan of our cat-friendly practice. She has two cats of her own, Shadow & Luna, who are of course completely spoiled. 

Veterinary Internal Medicine Specialist
Mobile specialist for internal medicine, dog & cat


More positions will become available over the next few years in line with the workload - if you are interested, please contact us!